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In the Spotlight – Krystle


Holy cow!!! I ran into this lady this week, and hasn’t seen her in person for a long while. Let me tell you, she looks amazing 💕. From her contagious smile to her amazing sense of humor and fun spirit……she never ceases to inspire me. 🌸

We chatted for a while (while our kids were hitting soft/baseballs), talking about her nutrition and exercise. She has been ROCKING Yöga  at home, consistently for the past YEAR. Despite family life 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧, hectic schedule ⚾️, and insane work hours, she still shows up and places her health and fitness as a priority 💪🏽👊🏽🎉

Krystle, I admire you so much 🙌🏼, and love that I’ve gotten to know you better over this last year 📆!!! You amaze me ☺️!!

Inspiration can be found all around us, we just have to look !

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