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Involved or Committed?

“They remind me of an Italian Kamikaze pilot who flew 50 missions. He was involved, but not committed.” – Coach Lou Holtz (former Notre Dame and South Carolina football coach) when asked about his team prior to the start of a season

I am involved in many things in my life, that is to say that I have a lot of things going on around me that I choose to participate in. However,  it feels like my commitment-level stays somewhat superficial in most arenas in my life. It is often the idea of breadth, rather than depth,  for the activities I am involved in. I want to help out in so many things, that I end up volunteering for everything that passes by me. However, sometimes I find that it leaves me feeling a little superficial myself. It is not that I don’t want to commit more – I just can’t seem to find enough hours in the day to be able to (sanely) commit myself to those things that matter most to me.

We all have this problem, right? Please tell me it’s not just me. There are things we want to be doing, but it always seems as if other things (more “urgent” things) get in the way. However, the reality is, those distractions from the main goals are not really that urgent. The question that remains somewhere deep in my heart is: What am I missing out on because I am merely involved, and not committed?

So many times I go throughout my day, dealing with issue and after issue, cleaning up one mess after another, and having my hands in all sorts of projects – I become involved with so many things in life, that I forget to take a step back and look at the big picture. What matters most to me in life? What do I want to commit myself to? How can I make sure that my daily life and activities reflect that level of commitment? What do I need to cut out of my life in order to make time for the things I am committed to? These are all of the thoughts that have been circling around my head for past few weeks. It’s a process that is taking time, but I am feeling like it is time well-spent to contemplate these questions.

So, the questions now turn to you. What are you involved in, but really should be more committed to? There are so many arenas in life that you could pose that question toward. Is it your work…….your education……..your kids………your marriage………….your spiritual life? I challenge you to join me in reflecting on those areas in your life that could use a little more attention – could use a little more commitment – and start taking the steps necessary to make those commitments.

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