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March to the Beat of Your Own Drum

“You will never influence the world by trying to be like it.”

The thing I love about my kids #3487:

My kids are all unique individuals. I don’t mean in the “my kids are all very different from each other” type of thing. Yes, that is definitely true. But this is more deep-seeded than that. My kids fit no stereotypes. They definitely march to the beat of their own drum, and I am so proud of them for that.

Keenan chose his socks for the first day of school today. It was not because he didn’t have clean socks. It was not because he couldn’t find matching socks (that were already together, folded nicely). This is just what he wanted to wear. He will choose mismatched socks the majority of the time (when he even wears shoes, which is very rare).

We encourage nonconformity. We encourage uniqueness. We encourage wide variety of interests. We encourage arts and sports.

We encourage being proud of who you are.

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