Site icon BElieve Health & Fitness

Confession Time

Confession Time:
I haven’t done a hard workout in a LONG time. In fact, I wasn’t even going to workout today. But I looked around the room and saw so much motivation and inspiration all around me, I couldn’t help but join in.

– I could have focused on the fact that I am out of shape.
– I could have focused on the fact that the person next to me was going twice as fast and three times as hard as me (because Tessa is ROCK AWESOME).
– I could have focused on the fact that this is the most unflattering shirt I can wear right now, as it shows all my belly fat jiggling.
– I could have focused on the fact that I couldn’t even do all the moves that were being led (I still can’t raise my hands above my head, and jumping is still hard on my head).
– I could have focused on all the ways I could look like a fool and how others around me might judge me.


Instead, my desire to BE fit outweighed my desire to want to PRETEND I am fit.

+ Yes, I am working way back from inactivity.
+ Yes, I am working my way back from gaining weight that was associated with my inactivity and poor eating choices.
+ Yes, I am fighting my way back from depression that has left me with absolutely no energy, along with my many other medical conditions that just add to it.
+ Yes, I am fighting my way back to being who I want to become, and feeling good about what my body can do again.
+ Yes, I am ignoring others around me to preserve my own self-esteem (unless they are cheering me on).

Girl, you need to run your own race!
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