Site icon BElieve Health & Fitness


My best friend challenged me to REDUCE in my life.

She recommended the book “Everything That Remains” which is a great book, and I was hooked by the idea!

And so beings my adventures in trying to remove more from my life….

My first step was my shoes…

Down to 19 pairs of shoes! That’s HUGE for me!!

I wear all of these that remain on a regular basis, except for my specialized outdoor shoes/boots, and I can easily walk 5+ miles in every pair of shoes I own (except maybe for the Tom’s). This is an important measurement for me, as I walk everywhere!

Next up was the bathroom. We had so much junk in there, and it feels so good to have things simplified…..

Check out the “Before” and “After” pictures above!

And then I was introduced to Marie Kondo….

This is seriously the best thing ever! It’s the KonMari way of folding clothes.

💙 I can see every shirt when I open the drawer.
💙 It takes up less space than when I was folding and stacking.
💙 Supposedly less wrinkles (only time will tell with that one).
💙 Plus, it’s so pretty!

It’s going to take packing a suitcase to a whole new level the next time I travel!

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