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Cost vs Value

Dinner date ($100) “reasonable”⠀
Healthy Groceries ($100) “too expensive”⠀

Trip to Target ($130) “great deals!”⠀
Therapist ($130) “absurd”⠀

iPhone ($1000) “necessity”⠀
Average college class or personal development course ($1000) “expensive”⠀

1 Hour watching Netflix, “let’s watch another one”⠀
1 Hour spent learning/building a new business “I just don’t have the time”⠀

Hair, nail & tanning appointments to make yourself look/feel better on the outside ($200+) “I feel great about myself.”⠀
Working on yourself from the inside out with me ($140) “Not my type of thing.”⠀

30 minutes scrolling Instagram “OMG, time flies!”⠀
30 minutes of daily exercise, “I just don’t have the time right now”⠀

Come on friends, where do our priorities lie? ⠀
Do you tell yourself these things often?⠀

Everything in life is about priorities & everything in life is a CHOICE.⠀
You are free to make whatever choices you want, but you are not free from the consequences of the choices you make. ⠀

Never confuse the cost of something with its value. 🌟

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