Imagine a boat ride at a fair……⠀
“There are the spinners and the sailors. The sailors are the kids who hop into the boat and head for open water—they’re the explorers. They have a dream and they set out for it. Yeah, they’re dreamers and doers. They know exactly where they want to go. And no matter what bumps into them, they get there, because they keep steering in that direction. They’re the ones you’ll hear screaming, ‘Get out of my way!’ The sailors are vocal about what they want. Once they get to the other side, they’ll come back and bump everyone. When I blow my whistle letting everyone know time is up, sailors always end up on the other side of the pool from where they started. They gladly hop out of their boats, because they got what they wanted. They got their goal and they got to have fun bumping other boats.⠀
The spinners . . . well, actually, they start just like the sailors. They also want to head for open water. But as soon as everyone gets going, the spinners quickly realize there are a lot of other people in the pool. They realize how hard it is to steer. So the spinner does something unique. The spinner makes an assumption: it’s hard to steer my boat without bumping into other people, so I won’t be able to make it to the other side. Spinners give up quickly. They say, ‘Well, I guess I can’t make it to the other side, so I’ll just have fun here by myself and spin.’ They might even bump a few people. They do something that is entirely unhelpful to their original goal, and everyone else’s goal: they spin in one place, bumping and blocking everyone from getting to the other side, without even knowing it. Most of the time spinners spin quietly. When I blow the whistle for everyone to stop, they’re the last ones to dock, and they’re almost always disappointed in their ride.”⠀
– Brendon Burchard⠀