Home / About Me

What is My Education?
- Masters in Science in Human Physiology from the University of Oregon
- specializing in women's cardiovascular health, environmental physiology, and exercise physiology
- Certifications
- Exercise Physiologist
- American College of Sports Medicine
- Health Coach
- American Council on Exercise
- Nutrition Coach
- Precision Nutrition
- EMT-Intermediate
- State of Oregon
- Exercise Physiologist
Allow me to introduce myself
Howdy, I'm Coach Jenni!
Through a playful and whimsical approach to life, I will challenge you physically, mentally, and emotionally - Empowering you to add more YEARS to your life and more LIFE to your years. I work with clients mostly online, and build a community of support, helping you to reach your health, fitness, life, and business goals.
Who Am I?
I am a(n)....
- listener | - motivator | - questioner |
- Follower | - servant | - caretaker |
- friend | - reader | - camper |
- athlete | - hiker | - daughter |
- wife | - mom of 4 | - sister to 5 |
- student | - teacher | - scientist |
- hugger | - loving soul | - music lover |
- warrior | - thinker | - BEliever |
What is My Background?
- Taught in field of medicine, health, anatomy, physiology, fitness, and emergency medicine since 2001
- taught in the field of psychology prior to then
- Faculty at Lane Community College (LCC)
- Exercise & Movement Science Program (teaching future personal trainers)
- Emergency Medical Services Program (teaching future EMTs & Paramedics)
Want to get to know me better?
13 Random Facts About Me
Why 13?….because it’s my favorite number (like how I snuck an extra one in there?)
1. I’m pretty sure I’m the most immature person I know
I truly believe you are never too old to grow younger. I strive to harness my inner child, believe PLAY is the best form of exercise, and the world is my playground. I love all things Marvel/DC, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Nightmare Before Christmas, and Harry Potter. My favorite superhero is Wanda (Scarlet Witch). My favorite turtle is Donatello (purple mask, bo staff, and the smartest of the TMNTs, specializing in science and technology). Jack Skellington is my favorite Christmas-hero ever. Yes, I am a Ravenclaw through-and-through, and my favorite HP character is a toss-up between Dumbledore and Luna Lovegood.
2. I love all things magical and supernatural.
Beyond Harry Potter, I am a huge LOTR fan (Lord of the Rings). I love studying/reading about vampires, werewolves, wizards, witches, zombies, demons, angels, fairies, aliens, etc… Some of my favorite shows are Supernatural, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Angel. I love to spend my Friday nights playing Dungeons and Dragons with my family; my current character is a 6″ pixie named Calliroe.
3. I am a follower of Jesus
I was raised Catholic, and attended a Catholic high school (Marist High School, in Eugene, Oregon). However, I would consider myself more of a “recovering-Catholic” now. I regularly attend a non-denominational church, and am often found working with kiddos in Kids’ Church. I believe that for far too long the Church has been known for what it is against, and instead I would love it to be known for who we are for (#LoveForLane). I believe the Church is the local hope of the world, and tithe 10% of all my personal and business income, in support of that.
4. I have a CRAZY brain, with a CRAZY story!
It all started in 2016, when I participated in a research study (about eating) that performed function MRI scans. As part of the study, they also did a structural scan of my brain, and discovered I had a brain tumor about the size of a racquetball. I had been noticing my mouth was asymmetrical, and I knew I sometimes had a hard time talking….but it was nothing that anyone else ever noticed…just me. I just chalked it up to a tooth-extraction-gone-wrong from a previous year. Well, fast forward a few months, and I went in for surgery to have the tumor removed (you can read about some of my adventures here).
Recovery was a huge ordeal, and I am so thankful for all my friends, family, clients, and students who extended me grace when I really needed it. Things were looking good….until I went in for a routine check on my brain about six months later. In a period of four months (between routine scans) I had developed multiple sclerosis! It’s crazy!!! No one watches MS develop in their brain. Usually it takes years of symptoms, and many doctors’ appointments to finally get tested. However, mine was found through a routine check-up. Yes, I had been experiencing symptoms, but I was attributing them to my brain surgery recovery (despite my doctor kept telling me I shouldn’t really be experiencing effects from surgery anymore). Now I am a Copaxone junkie (three shots a week), and take a variety of supplements to help with my brain health. I’m fatigued easily, spend a lot of time in pain, and let me tell you – brain fog is no joke! However, I usually have enough spoons to make it through the day, and consider myself an MS Warrior!
5. I love socks!
I mean I really love socks! Especially knee-high ones. I’m pretty sure I have the largest sock collection, full of character socks, bold colors, stripes, polkadots, aliens, books, animals, movies, cartoons, etc… If you check out my Instagram, you’ll often see picts of them in my stories. When my students find out how much I love socks, they start each class by asking me what socks I have on that day (and yes, they are always fun ones).
6. I love to learn…..and teach
There aren’t many things that I am confident in, but learning and teaching are two of them. I know I was placed on this earth to share knowledge with the people around me (hence me building this business and website). I strive to learn something new everyday, and extend that in my classes…to teach everyone something new everyday. My overarching goal is to get students to think more critically about topics they are interested in. My best reward for teaching is when a student comes up to me before or after class, and says, “You know Jenni, I was thinking……” I love the conversations that follow after that! I have taught (in one way or another) since 1997, mostly in the fields of anatomy, physiology, emergency medicine, psychology, fitness, and health, and cannot imagine doing anything else in my life besides teaching and coaching (which is really just another form of teaching).
7. I know a lot about birth control
Throughout graduate school, I studied cardiovascular physiology (specializing in women’s cardiovascular health), environmental physiology (how the body responds when we go to extreme environments), and exercise physiology (how the body adapts to exercise, and changes in physiology when we exercise). However, my thesis researched the role of sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone) on the function of our blood vessels. All this is to say that I know a lot about the effects of birth control on our heart health.
8. I am the most extroverted introvert you’ll ever meet
When I was young, I was a full-out extrovert. My teachers routinely classified me a “social butterfly” and I always wanted to be the center of attention. In third grade. I used to sit outside my driveway on an 6′ ladder, strumming on my tennis racquet “guitar”, trying to collect money in my dad’s old Budweiser fishing hat (my sister was the only one who ever gave me money). Over the years, that has changed….dramatically. Now, there is nothing I like more than alone time, a good book, and maybe a fireplace to go with it. Practically speaking, it also means if you need anyone to stand up and talk in front of a group, I’m your girl. I am not shy at all!
9. I am a book and podcast junkie
Have I already mentioned that I strive to learn something new everyday? Good, then we’re up to speed. Yes, I do a lot of that learning through reading and listening to podcasts. My absolute favorite books are Love Does (by Bob Goff), Life’s Golden Ticket (by Brendan Burchard), Start with Why (by Simon Sinek), and The Screwtape Letters (by C.S. Lewis). I also like a good fiction book, like Hunger Games, Ender’s Game and Ender’s Shadow, The Host, A Darker Place, and the Outlander Series (the books, haven’t watched the tv series). As for podcasts, I love personal development ones (like Quote of the Day, Leadership Podcast, Life Coach School, and Robin Sharma’s Mastery Series), as well as true crime (Serial, Undisclosed, Dr. Death, etc…), and Lore.
10. I am an avid outdoor adventurer
I love to be outside!!! Some of my favorite activities are rafting, kayaking, standup paddle boarding, hiking, camping, backpacking, snowshoeing, rock climbing, etc… Everything but skiing, much to the chagrin of my husband who was the chair of the local backcountry ski patrol for years.
11. My family is awesome
I know that most people love their family, but my family is really awesome! I have four amazing kiddos (currently ranging in age from 11 to 25). All of them have spunky personalities, and make me laugh every day. They also (all four) talk NONSTOP….all.the.time. This may relate to my transition from extroversion to introversion (in #8 above). I was raised as the youngest of six kids (my parents had four kids in five years (two boys and then two girls), another one of my sisters 4 years later, and then me 10 years after that). Being the youngest by such a large time span, I was raised as a part of a large family, and also as an only child….all at the same time. My extended family is also gigantic (hello catholic families and all of their kids). At last count, I had something like 52 first cousins…but it is hard to keep track of the exact number, as we always end up unintentionally leaving some out when counting. Both my mom and dad’s families came from Green Bay, Wisconsin, so we are Packer-Backers all the way!
12. I believe NO ONE should ever be treated as a second-class citizen
I support Black Lives Matter, and live everyday to work toward being an antiracist. I believe LGBTQ+ individuals should have equal respect and rights as heterosexual, cisgendered people. I continually read and educate myself on racial, sexual, and economical discrimination issues, and speak out whenever I can. I believe there are systemic injustices in our country, and will stand with the global “you” until it ends. As part of my support, I donate 10% of all my business’ income to the NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund, to fight for racial justice.
13. I don’t like to workout
Yep……Seriously. I really don’t like to workout. I am not the type of person who wakes up think, “Oh man, I am so excited I get to workout today.” Not even in the slightest. I am more of the person who says, “I know I need to workout for my health today (to combat my family history of diabetes and cardiovascular disease). What can I do to make it fun today?” I always need to find the FUN in fitness, or I won’t do it. That’s why I love coaching people. Most people need to learn that fitness can be fun, and taking care of yourself is not a chore. If you are a person who lives for your next workout, more power to you, lady! However, you probably don’t need me as a trainer or coach then, because you are already motivated on your own.
Does anything resonate with you?
If so, let’s work together! I would love to help you out with any of your health and fitness needs! Make sure to check out the services I provide to learn more about how I can help you the most!
Let's Get Started
Join our uplifting community that provides you monthly support and accountability and/or work privately with me - whichever suits your needs the most.
Even when you know which steps to take, you need someone to check in with you and help hold you accountable to yourself.
Types of Coaching
Focus on just your fitness, nutrition, health and wellness, and/or life coaching, or let's tackle everything together!
Safe Space
This is a judgement-free zone. I encourage you to be honest with what is holding you back, and we'll work together to find solutions.
What is Virtual Coaching?
Coaching helps you move from feeling "stuck" into a state of growth. I work (virtually) with your individual needs, challenges, and goals to help you move from stagnation to action, while focusing on what is most important to YOU!
What Do People Say?
Client Experiences
Tessa S.
Trainer / Coach
Jenni has always been a supporter of mine in all areas of life. Having had the privilege to have her as a college professor, a business mentor, and a friend, I can say there’s not a part of my life she hasn’t positively impacted. I wouldn’t be where I am today without her guidance and never ending belief in me.
Micki HR.
Teacher / Mom of 3
Jenni’s approach to coaching helped me take needed steps in my health journey. I felt encouraged and supported, and never felt pressured or criticized. Change has to happen from within and Jenni was there for me when I was ready, offering resources, strategies, encouragement, and love.
Annalicia G.
CPS Worker / Mom
Jenni has been so helpful for my personal fitness journey in addition to mentoring me as a coach. She’s very knowledgeable and responsive – answering my questions about nutrition and which workouts are best for me depending on my circumstances. I always know she’ll be there to support me.