Tiny Habits FREE 5 Day Program
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What is Tiny Habits?
Small Changes Leading to Big Results
Tiny Habits is a method created by Dr. BJ Fogg, a behavioral scientist at Stanford University, that combines his 20+ years studying behavior change (and his own personal journey to change his behavior) and focuses them in an easy-to-use system.Tiny Habits is not magic. It’s a method. That means you learn a process. With these new skills you can transform your life (and that may feel like magic).
With this method you don’t rely on willpower. That’s the old, ineffective way that usually fails. With the Tiny Habits method you don’t need willpower to succeed. Instead, you learn to redesign your life.
BJ will teach you how to get started. And as your personal Tiny Habits Coach, I will guide you along the way! The program is all delivered via email, through a set of videos and a great content. DON’T WORRY – Everything is easy to follow, and doesn’t take much time at all……Remember…..It’s TINY!

Can You Tell Me More?
How Do “Tiny Habits” Work?
Forming a habit is a lot like growing a plant.
1. You start with something tiny (a seed or a sprout).
2. You find the great spot for it in your garden (healthy soil, good sun, appropriate amount of water).
3. You nourish your tiny plant so the roots are established.
As you do these three things, your tiny plant will take grow deep and begin to thrive.
Let’s apply the points above to how habit formation works:
1. You start with a tiny behavior.
2. You find an great spot in your daily routine for this tiny behavior.
3. You nourish your tiny behavior so it gets firmly established in your life.
As you do these three things, your new habit will take root and thrive.
With practice, you will form habits quickly and easily.
Don’t worry, we know you won’t be perfect. There will be some trial and error — experimenting and finding out what works and what doesn’t. You will learn new skills, gain confidence, and get better over time. In turn, your life can change in big ways.
How Does The Program Work?
FREE 5 Day Program
The 5-day program is simple and effective. Plus, people say it’s fun!
We start a new 5-day session each Monday. Participation is free.
A session looks like this:
- Before Friday at 11:59pm PT (3 min): Click on the link below to sign up for the program.
- Before Monday (9 min): Read your email to get set up and ready using our step-by-step guide.
- Monday-Friday (<5 min/day): Check your email daily for additional information on building habits, and to check-in and let me now how it is going, all while practicing your new daily habits.
That’s all!
In <5 minutes each day, you will learn how habits work and how to create new ones–skills that will benefit you for life.
During the program, you’ll receive daily emails with guidance from me (Jenni, as your personal coach) as you learn to apply the Tiny Habits method, and let us know each day how it is going. Your daily check-ins are also a great time to ask for more help in troubleshooting habits, or to celebrate your successes with me.
What you learn will help you create habits to be healthier, happier, and more productive.
How Do I Get Started?
Sign-up Below
Lifestyle changes don’t happen overnight….but we can begin right away. To see real and lasting changes, sign-up below, and start learning a great method that will get you started.
What Do People Say?
Past Program Participants’ Experiences
I have tried many ways to make changes in my life, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, but Tiny Habits is by far the simplest, most practical method I have come across. That is something to celebrate!
Jenni helped me to design my Tiny Habits. She made me proud of myself, made me feel I’m valuable, and cared about me. This was the first time that had a human being who cared about me virtually.
Jenni responded to all my emails with great care and affection and taught me things that made a big difference to me, that helped me keep up the courage to keep trying to change, even if I didn’t do everything perfectly.
I can not express my feelings towards you. Jenni thanks for every single thing. I will never forget your support and the efforts you did for me. I will always remember you! You are the best coach I have ever seen!
This program is huge and it’s the gateway to a lifelong habit of making small changes that have a huge impact over time.
Everything was excellent! Jenni guided me, encourage me, helped me with my personal doubts
This free service feels like a profound gift. Jenni’s interactions with me felt genuine. There was no sales pitch, not any strings that I could detect. This makes me feel so much gratitude and lifts me up. This is a community I want to be a part of.
This was a really cool experience. I tend to be hard on myself for not accomplishing my goals, but maybe I’m not a failure, I just need to reevaluate those goals. Simplify and make them smaller and eventually that momentum can lead to bigger things.
Because of the ease of use, Tiny Habits is a technique that can help me reach my goals. Big goals feel daunting and intend to avoid the goal in fear of failure. Tiny Habits takes that fear away because they are accomplishable and manageable. It’s empowering!
Jenni was the best!! She responded quickly and thoroughly to my questions. I really felt like she was with me in this and she gave me some great input!! She’s really good!
I believe this could be a turning point in my life. I can see that what I thought of as failures may have only been the fact that I did not have the right technology to tackle things in the first place. My attitude was always that you just had to WORK HARDER!
Jenni – I wanted to share with you what a difference you’ve made for me. Your manner of working with me… talking to me was so important. It really solidified the things I needed to learn. Thank you!
Are you ready?
Sign-up Now!
This is just one small step toward some BIG changes that could happen in your life! Plus, it’s all FREE.
You have nothing to lose! – SIGN UP NOW!