HEALTH BASICS 101: Lesson 2 – Cardiorespiratory Exercise

Let’s talk exercise!!!

For the next couple of days, our “lessons” are going to focus on exercise: What types we should be doing, how long we should do it for, and how many times per week. This largely depends on our goals.

Our first type of exercise we are addressing is Cardiorespiratory exercise (anything that raises our heart rate and our breathing to enough of a level, and we sustain that level over time). In the video I talk about traditional types of “cardio” exercise, but realize that it can almost be any activity that meets the definition above. This could even include gardening and vacuuming (especially if improved health is our goal).

This video will “introduce” you to the topic of exercise, how we plan/prescribe it, and delve in more depth with cardiorespiratory exercise, specifically. Therefore, this video will be a bit longer than most other lessons.