I am about to get UNCOMFORTABLE…..


Have you set your goals for 2021 yet? If so, you should consider throwing them out.


Yes, you read that correctly. I am suggesting you THROW OUT YOUR GOALS this year.


It’s the time of year for people all over the world to think about the changing of the year, and most want to change their life along with it. This change typically takes on the form of New Year’s Resolutions. However, according to the US News & World Report, 80% of resolutions fail by February, and only 8% of resolutions are kept for the entire year.


So, the question arises….WHY do so many resolutions fail?


I believe it is because of the inherent design of resolutions in that they become a “To-Do List” for the coming year, instead of a “To-Be” goal. Instead of determining success by our accomplishments, wouldn’t it be better to define success by who we become?


According to Jon Gordon, Dan Britton, and Jimmy Page, authors of “One Word That Will Change Your Life,” one way to overcome the complexity of rules we set for ourselves with resolutions would be to simplify life by choosing ONE WORD to “BE” for the year. This word should cross the six dimensions of your life (spiritual, physical, mental, relational, emotional, and financial), and not just focus on one aspect (as typical resolutions often do). This simplicity of living out ONE WORD allows you to make all decisions based on the person you are wanting to become, and, in turn, will end up changing your actions as a byproduct.



Steps to Discover Your Word for the Year:


Look Inward – prepare your heart to receive your word

  • Unplug – disconnect from technology, find a quiet place to be alone, remove all distractions and interruptions, and be ready to turn inward for self-reflection. No TV, no music, no computer, no phone, no people, no to-do lists. Just you and your thoughts.
  • Ask – ask yourself the following questions
  1. “What do I need?” – It’s not about what you want, but what you need. What areas in your life need to change, and why?
  2. “What’s in my way?” – What are the obstacles that are preventing me from having what I need? Often the obstacles come from within, and we’ve set up our own barriers to obtain what we need most.
  3. “What needs to go?” – What do I need to let go of in order to make progress?


Look Up – After you’ve prepared your heart, you’ll be ready to receive your word. This is not of your own doing, but rather, placed on your heart by God.

  • Plug In – Make time for prayer. You can even ask, “What do You want to do in me and through me this year?”
  • Listen Up – Be open to the word that God placed on your heart. Some may “hear” a small whisper in their mind, some will uncover it while listening to music or reading a book, some will hear it come up in conversation with others. Just be listening and open your heart to what speaks to you. It may be a noun, verb, adjective, or adverb, but when you “hear” it, you’ll know.


Live it Out – Now it’s time to live out your word in all you do.

  • Make sure to post reminders in key locations to remind you daily of your word. Save it as your screen saver, change your passwords to an adaptation of it (make sure to include numbers and special characters) so you are reminded all throughout the day, use it as your wallpaper on your phone, set a daily reminder on your phone that displays your word, paint or buy a sign with your word on it and hang it in your office or home, order a bracelet from Etsy with your word on it to wear every day, and make sure you share it with your inner circle (friends and family members, and 3-4 people you trust to help you stretch yourself in better ways through the year).
  • In all that you do throughout the day, ask yourself, “Am I being _____ right now?” “How would a(n) _____ person handle this problem?” “How can I bring more _____ into this situation right now?”
  • Build your legacy – “Your word shapes your character. Your character influences your actions. Your actions influence others. The lives you touch and the impact you have determine the story that will be told about you tomorrow” (One Word That Will Change Your Life).


So, what’s MY word for 2021, you may be asking?


After much inward reflection and listening, the word “uncomfortable” has come to me.

What do I need? I need to not base every decision on my energy level (which always seems to be low with my multiple sclerosis).

Lately I have not been pushing myself to do the things I want/need to do, simply because I am “comfortable enough” not doing them.


I waiver in my willpower to eat healthy and move more, as I am “comfortable enough” with how I feel. I feel okay extending deadlines I’ve set for myself for work, as I am “comfortable enough” with my success. I don’t have the finances I would love to have, because I am “comfortable enough” with my lifestyle. I feel my faith is superficial because I am “comfortable enough” with my relationship with God. It invades all areas of my life…..being “comfortable enough.”

Therefore, to grow as a person, I need to embrace that it is okay to be “uncomfortable” in my life, when it will lead to happiness and success later. The short-term uncomfortableness will pay off in long-term joy. Because in reality, my “comfortable enough” is not really comfortable at all.


So, when you see me, make sure to ask me if I’m feeling “uncomfortable,” and let’s hope I say yes! Also, when you’ve received your word for the year, comment below to let me know what it is. I would love to know what growth will take place within YOU in 2021!


And remember, if you’re needing support in the upcoming year, make sure to check out my Coaching Services to help support you in becoming the person you want to be!