BREAKFAST: Fresh fruit platter (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and peaches)
LUNCH: Green salad with pumpkin seeds
DINNER: Curried cauliflower and lemon kale
WATER:  55 ounces

Day 1 (19)

I am extremely glad that I am doing the Ultimate Rest program at this particular time, as my eating would be atrocious right now if I weren’t. Having this structure is “forcing” me (in a good way) to eat regular meals, and to make sure the foods I do eat are healthy.

We are on Wednesday of finals week, and things are in full swing. I started my morning with an MRI scan (more on that some other day). I ate breakfast in the car between my appointment and work. I then began 6.5 hours of interview with students that were slammed back-to-back. I managed to have a 10-minute break between two meeting to eat my lunch. After I was done with interviews, I picked up all three kids, and went home to make dinner.

Cory has been teasing me horrendously because he has now eaten avocado SEVEN times since beginning this detox program. For those of you who don’t know, he detests avocado with a passion. He says it looks (and tastes) like the inside of a squished beetle. A few days ago, he looked ahead at the menu, and saw that tonight’s dinner was curried cauliflower, and I hate curry anything. I don’t know what it is about curry, but I really dislike the flavor. He kept teasing that I would need to eat this meal, since he has eaten avocado. I told him I would….

It was another baseball night, so I packed dinner to go in thermoses, and we headed to the ball field. I feel like I’ve eaten a lot of my dinners at the ball field lately, but I am glad they have at least been healthy ones.

The curried cauliflower was not as bad as I had feared, and I could envision making it again. Rhys loved the kale again, and Cory enjoyed the whole meal.

Seeing as it was a long day, and I have an early morning ahead of me, it is off to bed for me tonight!