I’ve hit a rough patch in life lately. But, I am on the mend, and I am ready to FIGHT my way back!
Things I am fighting AGAINST:
⭐ depression
⭐ lack of energy
⭐ desire to sit on the couch and binge watch Netflix
⭐ recovery from surgery (brain tumor)
⭐ side effects of medications I am taking
⭐ family history of diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s disease
Things I am fighting FOR:
⭐ confidence
⭐ health
⭐ self-worth
⭐ energy
⭐ happiness
⭐ setting a good example for my kids
⭐ a fulfilling life
We all want to fight for something….What are YOU fighting for/against?
Want to follow/join me in this adventure? Join forces with me, and fight your way back to the way you want to be!
I am starting a new 30-day MMA-style, kickboxing/boxing fitness program on Monday 11/14, and including amazing nutrition in the process. I am ready to feel better, regain myself, and conquer the world.
November 14, 2016
Today I am embarking on a new battle, and I am ready to kick some @$$ 👊!
For the next 30 days, I am FIGHTING my way back to health with an MMA-style, Muay Thai-inspired, boxing fitness program (Core de Force). As of tomorrow, it will be 3 months since I had brain surgery to remove a tumor. Overall, I have been healing well, but side effects of medication, and the slow recovery process has left me feeling defeated.
That STOPS now!
Today, I FIGHT for my HEALTH. I will uppercut, hook, and jab my way back to health, if it’s the last things I do.
November 15, 2016
No more weakness. No more limitations.
Today I fight for STRENGTH!
💪🏽 Both physical and mental
November 16, 2016
Today I had some little warriors join me for my workout. Hands and feet may have been flying everywhere, but at least we had a good time.
We took a vote, and we decided we were FIGHTING for AWESOMENESS today!
Can’t get better than that!
November 17, 2016
Day 4 of my FIGHT:
My battle continues……Today I kicked DEPRESSION in the face!
#strongereveryday #mentallystrong #fightforit
November 18, 2016
Day 5:
Today I FIGHT for PERSEVERANCE, because “Goonies never say die!”
November 21, 2016
Today we FIGHT for ENERGY…….for me to gain some, and them to burn some.
November 22, 2016
All of us have them, and they destroy us everyday.
It’s time to kick them to the ground!!
November 23, 2016
Love yourself for who you are.
November 24, 2016
Today I FIGHT against SELF-SABOTAGE. Too many things already can hurt us, why should we hurt ourselves?
November 28, 2016
Today I FIGHT for LIFESTYLE CHANGES. I am tired of feeling lazy. I am tired of feeling depressed. I am tired of feeling out of control. I am tired of feeling…….tired.
I am ready to gain my health, my mental status, and my LIFE back. Are you ready to join me? What’s stopping you???? If I can do this, so can you! This program was made for everybody and every body.
15 days into my 30-day program, and I am loving it! What am I going to do after this program is over? Jump right back in and start it again! Yes, that is how much I LOVE this program!! It is NOT about quick fixes, it is about long-lasting, lifestyle changes that help you feel more like yourself, only stronger and healthier.
Do you want to join me? Send me a message, or comment below, and let me know!! I’d love for you to become a badass with me 😆. Amazing things are in your future.
#CoreDeForce #SweatTherapy #TakeControl #RegainYourHealth #Badass #3MonthsPostBrainSurgery
November 29, 2016
“Confidence is not walking into a room and thinking you’re better than everyone else. It is walking into a room and not feeling the need to compare yourself to anyone at all.”
Everyone needs these workouts in their lives! Not only do you build strength, coordination, and improve health, but you build confidence, self-worth and self-acceptance, as well.
These workouts are made for everybody and every body.
November 30, 2016
No more allowing my days to pass without me feeling like I contributed in some way. No more feeling like I am a mere spectator – instead I will be a positive and active participant in my days and in my life.
December 1, 2016
Day 18/30: Today I FIGHT against my COUCH.
All I wanted to do tonight was sit on my couch and watch Veronica Mars. But that’s not going to make me healthy. That’s not going to help me live a happier and longer life. So, I got my butt up, and busted out a great strength workout, MMA-style.
Each day we either choose to take care of ourselves, or choose to take the easy way out. All of those choices add up overtime, to result in either good health, or not. Today I chose health.
I feel proud for my choices today, and now I am ready for a great night’s sleep.
December 2, 2016
The fight continues – Day 19/30
I am not as pretty as her. I am not as strong as she is. Her legs are so much skinnier than mine are. I am not coordinated with the moves like she is. I am nowhere near as funny as her. I just can’t think the way she thinks. I am so much more boring that she is. She has so much adventure in her. She always does so many great crafts with her kids, and has time to play with them. Her husband must be so lucky to have her. She always seems to have everything together, when I never do. I wish I could be more like her…… STOP!!!!!
We don’t realize how deep our comparisons run, until it’s gone too far and has invaded our every thought. It’s time to demolish the idea that we can’t break free from comparison.
YOU have control over your own mind, it’s time to exercise that POWER.
We sell ourselves short when we try to mimic someone else’s life. When we compare ourselves to others, and try to be more like them, we are robbing ourselves of who we were originally meant to be. We were not designed to live someone’s else’s life or purpose.
It’s time to put a STOP to the madness. Be more of YOU, and not someone else.
“Refuse to be anything other than who you were meant to be.”
-Trish Blackwell
December 3, 2016
Day 20/30 – Wow, I’m 2/3 of the way done, and still loving it!!
When people look at the dancing and MMA-style workouts I do, sometimes they say, “Oh, I could never be that coordinated. I would feel like such a fool.” or “You are so brave to post those videos, I could never do that. I would look ridiculous.”
It doesn’t matter. The reality is, I think I look ridiculous in these too. But I don’t care.
Did you see my other post? I even went live, and didn’t have the chance to select and post the best angle/view/move……and I was even doing the move on the wrong foot for a while. Oh well.
Why don’t I care? First of all, I’m in my own home, with no one watching, when I work out (unless I video record it). Second, who cares if I don’t look perfect? The point is to move and sweat, and have FUN while doing it. My HEALTH and LIFE are worth it. YOURS are too!
Get moving, whatever you do, and have fun. Build confidence. Sweat. Love life. Appreciate that your body can do the things that it can. Get healthy. Just move. Forget the rest….
December 4, 2016
Today is Active Recovery….
I worked on technique of my punches and kicks, and then ended in deep stretching.
It’s a good lesson in life that you can’t always “go” all the time. You need to take time to rest and repair, stretch your mind and body a little, explore and perfect the small details in life, and rejuvenate for the next day.
Good night, y’all.
December 5, 2016
Day 22/30 – Today I FlGHT for SELF-IMPROVEMENT.
We could all use a little change…….
December 8, 2016
Today I FIGHT for BELONGING…..well, actually I don’t have to fight very hard anymore.
I used to feel like I was alone, like I didn’t have anyone close by to bond with. Little did I know what coaching would become for me.
I am in Beaver Creek, Colorado, just outside of Vail. Today we rocked out an amazing Core de Force workout….as a TEAM, enjoyed an amazing breakfast together, and then I had time to hit the spa for a massage, soak in the tub, and resting on the heated stones. Now I’m off to work with the best fitness masterminds in the nation, getting ready to take my business and life to the next level. We are literally from all four corners of the US, all bonding over our love of helping others in their health and fitness journeys.
I’d like to say, “No rest for the wicked,” but the reality is….this is all relaxing!
December 12, 2016
Day 29/30 – Today I FIGHT for SUCCESS!
Success takes work. If you want to achieve something worth having, you have to be determined, work hard, and never give up.
Today I fight to the finish, knowing the feeling of accomplishment that will come tomorrow when I succeed in completing my program!!
Day 30/30! Today I FIGHT to remember that things are just TEMPORARY.
We often take temporary problems in life or temporary emotions that we are feeling, and give them the importance as if they were permanent. It simply is not the case.
Most things in life are temporary. Yet, we focus on them so heavily, and give them the weight of the world, when really it is just one fleeting moment in time.
Bad days can seem endless. Bad weeks, even longer. Give us a real struggle, and it feels like our whole world revolves around it. It becomes our only focus, and controls our every thought. However, the reality is, in short five years from now, that situation will just be the distant past. Just a memory of past events. Life will have moved on. Things will have been resolved. New experiences (both bad and good) will have occurred.
Don’t get bogged down in worry and frustration. This time will pass. It is just temporary.
Someone must have snuck into my closet over the past 30 days, and put a spell on my pants to make them stretch or grow, because they are not fitting me anymore! Who would have done such a thing? Maybe it was gnomes….
Most of you have probably seen over the past 30 days that I was working hard to increase confidence, increase my self-perception, and begin the healing process after my brain surgery. I was excited jump back on the exercise bandwagon, as I was laid up for quite a few months. I was ready to fight my way back to health, and loved the kickass program I was doing to get there.
Over the past 30 days I fought AGAINST:
– Depression
– Self-sabotaging
– Insecurities
– Comparison
– Fear of Judgement
– Getting sucked in by the couch
At the same time I fought FOR:
💙 Health
💙 Healing
💙 Strength
💙 Energy
💙 Perseverance
💙 Self-acceptance
💙 Lifestyle changes
💙 Confidence
💙 Belonging
💙 Success
…little did I know that along the way I would also LOSE 8 pound along the way, and all my clothes would be baggy now…
I LOVED this program so much, I am ready for ROUND 2! If you are interested in joining me, and fighting for/against any of the things listed above, LET ME KNOW!!!
Send me a personal message, or comment below. I’d love for you to JOIN ME in the FIGHT.
And now, what to do about those gnomes who grew my pants…….?????
I had so much FUN doing this program, I decided to repeat the whole thing over again, incorporating a few new workouts that elevated the level a little. Here are a few excerpts from the next 60 days (I did not document everything as completely during ROUND 2).
December 17, 2016
Day 33/60: The fight continues…
I didn’t want you to think I’d given up.
Yesterday I had a four month follow up visit with my neurosurgeon. My MRI scans came back, and everything is looking GREAT.
I am so grateful for this news, and for the ability of my body to heal over these past four month. However, this doesn’t mean that it’s time to give up the good fight. Nope. My fights continues, in order for me continue to gain physical, mental, and emotional strength.
I’m still on the road to recovery. Even when I’m fully recovered, I’ll keep fighting the good fight, because that’s just what fighter do…continue to improve and better themselves….one punch and kick at a time.
December 22, 2016
Day 38/60: Today I fight for CONSISTENCY.
I will totally admit it, my exercise dropped off the face of the earth the past two days. I kept planning on exercising in the afternoon, but life kept getting in the way.
Correction: I kept putting it off, and didn’t put my health as a priority.
What made me jump back in today? I knew I had to check in with my hard-working health accountability group today, and I couldn’t go another day without logging my exercise.
I am so thankful that these women keep me striving for consistency, even when I don’t want to be.
December 23, 2016
Day 39/60: Today I fight for FRIENDSHIP
Friendship takes work. It’s takes noticing others. It takes sometimes placing other before yourself. It takes attention. It takes energy. But for everything it takes, it is so worth it.
Today I am thankful for great friendships in my life, and especially for Gloria and Heather for this amazing new sign to keep me motivated. But more than the sign, I am thankful for having the two of you in my life.
Sign made by Hedy Art, you should check it out!!
December 24, 2016
Day 40/60: Today I fight for LOVE.
Seeing as it’s Christmas Eve, I felt this might be appropriate. I think we all could use a little more love, and it’s our job to spread it !
December 27, 2016
Day 43/60: Today I fight against excuses….
– Running late to leave town.
– Feeling horrible from traveling the day before (I am still really sensitive to vibrations in cars).
– Snowing outside.
– Staying at someone else’s house.
– Limited space to move (if I don’t want take over the whole living room).
– Was feeling really emotional this morning, and really just wanted to stay in bed.
Did I let it stop me? NOPE. I got a workout in anyway.
I can always find excuses NOT to workout. I am the queen of finding “reasons” why I “can’t” workout. Often I succumb to them, and feel guilty later for not getting my body moving. However, I am trying NOT to give into those EXCUSES, and get up and get moving anyway.
Today I SUCCEEDED! Today I am proud of myself.