Did you know that people who routinely practice positive self-talk are much more likely to have fulfilling and satisfying lives compared to people who engage in either negative self-talk, or no self-talk at all?

I strive to have a deeply fulfilling life, therefore I have chosen to purposefully engage in more positive self-talk, and researched 42 positive and uplifting statements to share with myself (and with you) over 42 days – in honor of my 42nd birthday 💙

Call them affirmations, call them mantras, you can call them anything you want, but I have chosen 42 positive and uplifting statements to share with myself (and with you) over the next 42 days – in honor of my 42nd birthday

Do you need to engage in more positive self-talk in your life? Try repeating some of my statements throughout the day, if they are something you want to feel about yourself.

I hope you enjoy them!

In reality, I don’t really care if you enjoy them, because this is really for me. 💙

Morning Mantras: Day 1/42

“The words you use determine your destiny. Words have POWER…”
-Trish Blackwell

Two types of thoughts continually fight for your attention. One says, “Yes, you can.” The other says, “No, you can’t.” One lists your failures, whereas the other proclaims your strengths. One longs to build you up; the other seeks to tear you down.

Morning Mantras: Day 2/42

Morning Mantras: Day 3/42

Morning Mantras: Day 4/42

Morning Mantras: Day 5/42

This is one my younger boys and I say to each other every morning

Morning Mantras: Day 6/42

Morning Mantras: Day 7/42

Sometimes I need mantras that help me feel like I am ready to kick ass, and sometimes I need mantras that are calming to the soul. Today is a peaceful day 🙂

Morning Mantras: Day 8/42

So many times we doubt ourselves. It’s time to be confident!!
Confidence is a muscle that must be worked everyday, otherwise it will atrophy

Morning Mantras: Day 9/42

Stress is a choice we make in how we respond to things. We often think that life is 90% what happens TO us, but that is living in a reactionary mode. Instead, 90% of life is what happens around us BECAUSE of what we do. I chose to release stress from my life, and to remain open to what lies before me – with an optimistic attitude.

Morning Mantras: Day 10/42

You are enough! If you have to convince someone to like you or understand you – chances are they’re not worthy of you in the first place. Be confident in who you are. Be more of who you were meant to be. The world needs what only you can bring to it. Those that love you, will love you more. For those who choose not to love you – it’s their loss. They are missing out on the amazingness of you.

Morning Mantras: Day 11/42

I want to be proud of my actions. Be proud of the life I live. Be proud of my choices. I want to live authentically true, and with integrity.

This is a good reminder for me today, to help me be proud of who I am, and make decisions that are true to me, not done in response to panic, so I can be proud of who I am.

Morning Mantras: Day 12/42

“I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible. ”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭17:20‬

Morning Mantras: Day 13/42

Sometimes we don’t speak up because we don’t feel like we have anything to contribute. However, just by being YOU, it gives you a unique perspective.
We each have a story.
Each one is a unique contribution to the world.
More people should speak up to share their stories.
We can all learn from them, and grow together.

Morning Mantras: Day 14/42

Morning Mantras: Day 15/42

One of my students once asked me, “If you could only accomplish one thing in life, what would you want to accomplish?”

What a great question!

My ultimate goal in life is to EMPOWER others to add more YEARS to their LIVES, and add more LIFE to those YEARS.

Morning Mantras: Day 16/42

This has probably been my biggest insecurity in life; I continually feel like I am not smart enough. I had plenty of confidence when I was younger, and even up through high school and college. However, it seemed to disappear after that.

Entering grad school caused a rift in my confidence, as I was surrounded by amazingly intelligent peers and professors. I felt like my brain never was quite fast enough to keep up with everyone else’s around me. I just didn’t think the same way they did, no matter how hard I try.

This insecurity grew as I moved into the classroom to teach, and I was charged with instilling knowledge in other people. I felt like I never had the right answers to their questions.

But then I realized that just because other people may be smarter than I am, it doesn’t mean that I’m not smart myself. I know I have a lot of information in my brain, and perhaps maybe even more than my students on a given topic (I hope). So I now stand confident with what I know, and continually learn every day to grow myself even more.

Morning Mantras: Day 17/42

I strive to impact at least one person’s life each day. It doesn’t have to be earth-shattering, but I hope to make at least a small difference/impact for one person, everyday.
I consider it my little mark on the world, adding value and joy to other people’s lives.

Morning Mantras: Day 18/42

Fortune Favors the bold, right?

Morning Mantras: Day 19/42

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
– Jeremiah 29:11

Morning Mantras: Day 20/42

I feel like I used to live all my time in a land of positivity and possibility, and somehow lost my way the past two years. However, I miss that girl. I miss living in that place. So, I’m working hard on getting back there.
What to join me in this awesome place? It’s just a decision away!

Morning Mantras: Day 21/42

“Enjoying success requires the ability to adapt. Only by being open to change will you have a true opportunity to get the most from your talent.”
– Nolan Ryan

Flexibility, adaptability, and the ability to evolve and change over time, are the keys to success and satisfaction. Too often we get stuck in our ways, and that makes us stuck in our life. We’ve all heard how the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again, hoping for a different outcome. However, we often approach our problems from the same direction every time they arise in our lives.

If we can break the mold of our behavior, be flexible in how we approach things, maybe we can break through to happiness?

Morning Mantras: Day 22/42

I have had times in my life when I felt like what I said mattered, and other times when others wouldn’t listen to anything that came out of my mouth. It’s hard to speak up when you feel stifled and ignorant.

I now choose to surround myself who will listen to me, and respect my opinion. The fight to be heard by deaf ears is often not worth it.

Morning Mantras: Day 23/42

No one should ever have to be different than exactly who they are.
Yes, I believe we should alway strive to grow ourselves into better individuals, but you should always be loved by those around you for exactly who you are (and are not) that day!

Morning Mantras: Day 24/42

A power plant does not GENERATE energy, it TRANSFORMS one type of energy into another, (more focused) energy that is now able to accomplish great things.
We have the ability to do the same thing!

Tired of being surrounded by negative energy? Transform it into something positive. It is YOUR CHOICE of how you respond to others. Choose to refocus with positive energy.

Morning Mantras: Day 25/42

I strive to be filled with contagious enthusiasm and confidence.
What are you seeking inspiration for?

Morning Mantras: Day 26/42

Do you shine your light on others?

Morning Mantras: Day 27/42

Many of my morning mantras I’ve been sharing are things that I would like to invite into my life, but aren’t necessarily things I am already skilled at. However, today’s is one that I think I am actually pretty good at. I tend to thrive with a little bit of chaos. Just ask my four kids and all my students. 🤣

Are a Beautiful Mess, too?

Morning Mantras: Day 28/42

Don’t hide your greatness from the world. Share that shi………stuff with us!!!

Morning Mantras: Day 29/42

It has been a wild and crazy ride these past two years:
– Brain surgery to remove a tumor
– Radiation
– Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis
– Mom diagnosed with Alzheimer’s
– Severe depression
– My teaching program at school was cut in half, and I lost half my classes
– Relationship issues
– Loss of friendships
– Limited in my physical abilities
– Continual fatigue and pain (almost everyday)
– People close to me contemplating suicide
– My own struggles with wishing I wasn’t alive (better now!)
– Adhesive capsulitis / frozen shoulder (extreme, extreme pain and disability)
I could let this all hold me back. I could let this all overwhelm me. I could curl up in the fetal position and just lay in my bed all day (which I often want to do).
I let this fuel me. I let this teach me. I let this motivate me.
I figure that if someone has to endure all these things, I would prefer for it to be ME rather than anyone else. No one else should go through all this.
I have faith that I can make it through any trial. I know God has my back.
My journey is MINE. Although it hasn’t been fun, and I’ve wanted to “quit” many times, it has made me who I am today. For that, I am thankful 💙

Morning Mantras: Day 30/42

I need more of this today.

Morning Mantras: Day 31/42

“Your fears are growth in wolf’s clothing.”
– Robin Sharma
When faced with a challenge, some people are so afraid of failure that they even try to overcome the challenge, which seals the fate of their own failure. Other people may embrace the challenge as a way to continue their own growth (of physical, emotional, and/or mental health).
Instead of living a life of fear, I would rather live a life of growth. A life where I become a better version of myself everyday. A life where I embrace a challenge, simply because I know I will learn and become a better person for it in the process.

Morning Mantras: Day 32/42

As I grow older and wiser, I try to ignore the stress of life, and just embrace my inner calmness. It is still a work in progress, but at least I am working on it 💕

Morning Mantras: Day 33/42

I once had a job where my boss didn’t value any of my opinions. Every time I would suggest a new idea, or brainstorm a solution to a problem, my thoughts were met with comments on how it wouldn’t work, how I was wrong, or how what I brought up didn’t matter. I really thought my opinions and ideas were valuable, but after being continually shot down, I began to doubt myself and my abilities.
Then I did an interesting thing….
I started talking less in meetings, and stopped providing input or asking questions. However, underneath it all, I still felt like my ideas held value. So, instead of speaking up, I told them to a coworker, and asked him to bring them up in meetings.
What do you know…….my boss thought they were great ideas/questions!
Feeling a little more justified, I tried to speak up in a meeting once, when instantly my idea was rejected. A half hour later, I passed a note to my coworker and asked him to bring up the idea as if it was new, to try to see what would happen. Of course, our boss thought it was a great idea.
I don’t know what I ever did to my boss to be thought of in this matter, and I honestly don’t think it was a sex-thing. But, I felt like I had a lot to offer, but no one to receive it. That was when I decided it was time for me to move along to a new place where my perspective on things would be valued. Best decision I ever made.
My voice matters, and my perspective sheds new light on situations!

Morning Mantras: Day 34/42

Life is too short not to enjoy it.
Get out and truly live!
Embrace life.
Make a difference in someone else’s life.
Make a difference in your own life.
Leave the world a better place, simply because you were in it.
Celebrate what you have, as it can be gone quite quickly. I don’t want you to miss out on living, and I don’t want your family to miss out on you.

Morning Mantras: Day 35/42

There is a lot of work, sweat, and tears that go into owning your own business, but it is WORTH every moment of it to have the freedoms I desire in life.
+ Financial freedom.
+ Freedom in my schedule to be there for my kids.
+ Freedom of time spent doing the things I love.
+ Freedom not to have to say no to my kids for anything, just because of a lack of time or money.
It is hard work.
But I am capable of accomplishing hard things.
And the rewards make it all worth it!

Morning Mantras: Day 36/42

With that in mind, I have big plans in the works! And I feel good things coming my way.
I love a vision. I love a dream. But what I love even more is making those visions a reality!
💕 I am proud of the work I am doing.
💕 I am proud of my past, current, and future accomplishments.
💕 I am proud of me.

Morning Mantras: Day 37/42

Just wanting to make an impact on the world.

Morning Mantras: Day 38/42

This is one I’m really trying to work on in my life right now. I want to be fully engaged in life, when I’m working and when I’m at play.
I want to give everything my all, because if it’s worth doing, then it’s worth doing to the best of my ability. Otherwise, I just shouldn’t be spending my time on it, right?
It’s not that I want to be perfect.
I just want to give everything my full attention and all of my energy.
I want to produce work I am proud of.

Morning Mantras: Day 39/42

RELEASE it to be FREE!
What happened in the past that I didn’t like that I must except, release it, and let it go?
Don’t give it weight anymore.
It doesn’t make it okay. Sometimes things happen and it will never be okay, but I can release it, and not give it weight anymore.
I won’t let it be negative on me now. I will accept that it happened.
I didn’t like it, I don’t approve of it, but it’s not going to stop me now.
If I have to choose in life, I choose good!
I won’t carry that weight anymore, release it. It’s my time to release it.
I deserve to be happy right now. I choose to let it go. Freedom is mine.
I have released its power, and have taken my power back.
I give myself permission to be free.
I choose freedom so that I can rise again.
I am free because I choose to be free!

Morning Mantras: Day 40/42

Amazing Creator,
Thank you for igniting me with the passion that I have for helping others.
This world can be such a dark and lonely place. People need a spark of inspiration, a spark of enthusiasm, a spark of friendship.
I pray that I can be that small flame for them. That I may be just one small light for them in the world of darkness. That my light might be a beacon for a place that they find comfort, friendship, and inspiration.
My hope is that my small spark will spread, and ignite the bonfire within them so they can burn bright for everyone else to see.

Morning Mantras: Day 41/42

Far too often we concern ourselves with what others think of us.
I think I’m going to give that up!

Morning Mantras: Day 42/42

What do YOU need to speak into your life?
I am feeling sad as my Morning Mantra project is coming to a close.
My mantras will continue to ring as alarms on my phone throughout the day, as I still want to continue speaking to them into my life.
However, my time of posting them has come to an end.
It is important to remember that people who routinely engage in positive self-talk are more likely to be happy with their lives, compared to people who engage in either negative self-talk, or no self-talk at all.
Do you use mantras? If not, you should!
I choose my mantras not because I have already conquered them,
but because I want to speak them into my life.
What do YOU need to speak into your life?