I hate when people say Shakeology is just a PROTEIN shake or a WEIGHT-LOSS shake.


Do you really think I am concerned about eating enough protein? Not on your life! We need so much less than the weightlifting community promotes we do (my students hear about this from my soapbox).

Do you really think I do things to lose weight? ARE YOU CRAZY? That is never my primary goal. I promote HEALTH and WELLNESS! Does that also come with weight-loss? Yes, because the actions we do for health (move more and eat healthy) also happen to cause people to lose weight (side-benefit, not goal).

It’s like you don’t know me at all!

Most of the clinically proven results of Shakeology are MEDICALLY-BASED!

– Reduces fasting blood glucose levels and HbA1C (long-term marker of glucose in the blood stream)
– Reduces cholesterol
– Reduces blood pressure
– Helps people lose weight (I put this here, because it does do that)

When I finally “bit the bullet” and made Shakeology part of my normal, daily routine, my fasting blood glucose levels FINALLY dropped, after YEARS of trying to treat it through nutrition and exercise, alone. NO JOKE!

That’s why I hate when people say it is just an expensive protein shake or a weight-loss shake.

That couldn’t be farther from the truth!

It is SO MUCH more. It is nutrition that HEALS!

#FoodAsMedicine #CostsLessThanYourCoffee