I have a love-hate relationship with exercise. Seriously.

I actually don’t like to “exercise”. Instead, I like to be active….mostly outside. Hiking, biking, walking, playing sports….that’s more my style.

However, I also fully understand (and promote) the physical and mental benefits that come from exercise. I always feel better after I’ve exercised. It helps my depression, my heart health, my high blood sugar levels, my cholesterol…..so many benefits!!

But then enters #multiplesclerosis…….and it actually starts to hurt sometimes. Too much intensity, and my body starts to shut down.

I am coming to grips that I have a new “normal”.

Any one workout – I can handle. But when I go too hard, too many days in a row, my body revolts! Yet, I know consistency is the key to good health!

Argh…..the dilemma.

So, what am I going to do?!? I am going to lessen my intensity, and go for low-to-moderate activity everyday.

💯 Days – here I come!!!

100 Days of Adventure………
100 days of committment
100 days of movement
100 days of health
100 days of being brave

Why???? Because we are B@D@$$!!!!!!

So glad this new program has TWO different modifiers, so I can work within my own limits.

….and if I need to modify more, I’m okay with that!

#lifewithms #slowandsteady #knowyourlimits