I’ve been working on mindfulness, meditation, affirmations, the Law of Attraction, and manifesting greatness lately.⠀

Fear can feel like a natural way to protect yourself and stay in control. Do you rely on fear as a form of protection against feeling disappointment or hurt?⠀

Many of us are addicted to fear, but it usually is seen in the form of anxiety, defensiveness, judgment, and impulse to control. Struggle becomes habit, and joy is an afterthought.⠀

In order to feel good, you must decide to stop feeling bad. It’s as simple and profound as that.⠀

If you think you’re not worthy of feeling good, then you’re most likely out of alignment with who you are. Nothing outside of ourselves can save us from our own sense of unworthiness. When we truly accept that we embody love, then we can start to realize we are worthy of feeling good.⠀

The instant we release our fear and resistance, a flood of support and love will rush in. The more good-feeling emotions you bring to your current circumstances, the faster things begin to work out the way you want, and the faster you feel better.⠀

Good things are coming your way!!⠀

adapted from Gabby Bernstein⠀