As a society, we are trying right now to protect our kids from all the pain that COVID-19 is causing. Cancelled sports, cancelled graduations, fear of illness, remote learning, separation from friends and family….

It’s okay for us to be real with them.
It’s okay for us to be sad.
It’s okay for them to feel all the emotions they are feeling.

Parenting right now is weird!
And that’s okay.

  • Channel your inner 60s-80s parents, and them them experience live instead of trying to protect them from it.
  • Be a “YES” parent! If they ask to do something, and it is 50% south of causing harm to themselves or others, say yes!
  • Let them build experiences and memories during this tough time.
  • We don’t always have to “parent” our kids. It is okay just to “raise” them during tough times.

#RISExLIVE (adapted from Jen Hatmaker)