FOUR YEARS AGO……..these amazing women decided to trust me even a little more.

They already trusted me with their friendship, but it was four years ago that they decided to trust me with their health and fitness.

I am so incredibly proud of each of these women. They’ve shown up for themselves, even if they didn’t “feel” like it.

+ They have chosen to eat healthy
+ They’ve decreased sugar intake
+ They’ve created health in their bodies with daily superfoods
+ They pushed themselves to drink more water
+ They completed workouts, even when they were tired
+ They’ve pushed themselves outside their comfort zone, trying new way to exercise
+ They’ve encouraged and supported others along the way
+ They’ve earned money by helping others find health and fitness too
+ They’ve put themselves as a priority

Micki, Sahale, and Amanda, I am blessed to not only call you colleagues, teammates, but also some of my best friends <3.

Thanks for joining the team oh so long ago….. love you all!