by jenniminer | Nov 16, 2019 | Daily Life Reflections, Day In The Life of a Health Coach, General
Dinner date ($100) “reasonable”⠀Healthy Groceries ($100) “too expensive”⠀⠀Trip to Target ($130) “great deals!”⠀Therapist ($130) “absurd”⠀⠀iPhone ($1000) “necessity”⠀Average college class or personal development course ($1000) “expensive”⠀⠀1 Hour watching Netflix,...
by jenniminer | Nov 15, 2019 | Book Readings & Reflections, Daily Life Reflections, General, Inspiration
My best friend challenged me to REDUCE in my life. She recommended the book “Everything That Remains” which is a great book, and I was hooked by the idea! And so beings my adventures in trying to remove more from my life…. My first step was my...
by jenniminer | Nov 14, 2019 | Daily Life Reflections, General, Inspiration, Kids
A note to my beautifully strong daughter….⠀⠀1. Ever since you came in my life, things have never been the same. I am a better person because of you.⠀2. Do not beat yourself up when you make mistakes, learn from them.⠀3. Always strive to make the right...
by jenniminer | Nov 9, 2019 | Faith, General, Relaxation
Can we all agree that life is busy sometimes?⠀⠀Who am I kidding? For most of us life is busy most of the time. ⠀⠀Last weekend was full of travel, tons information, high energy conversations, cheering people on, reuniting with them good friends from all over the US,...
by jenniminer | Nov 5, 2019 | Daily Life Reflections, Day In The Life of a Health Coach, General
Yes, this past weekend in Philly was full of fun connection with a community of women who are always there to support and encourage me. 💕 We laughed💕 We danced💕 We ate amazing food HOWEVER – that’s not all that happened. 💕 We challenged...
by jenniminer | Nov 3, 2019 | Day In The Life of a Health Coach, General, Inspiration, Team BElieve
You know what?Sometime life is HARD! I mean….knocked down, dragged out difficult. I’ve been there. I’ve had health problems.I’ve had relationships break down.I’ve had depression.I’ve had people I love not want to live anymore.I’ve had jobs lost.I’ve had friends...