by jenniminer | Sep 18, 2019 | Day In The Life of a Health Coach, General, Health, Mental Health, Multiple Sclerosis, Team BElieve
I believe that education is the key to understanding! Today I had the amazing chance to teach 25-30 fellow leaders in the Health/Wellness/Fitness field about what it it is like to COACH (and live with) CHRONIC ILLNESS. THINGS WE ADDRESSED:- How to understand and...
by jenniminer | Sep 10, 2019 | Challenge!, Daily Life Reflections, Faith, General
“Evangelism is not just telling people about Jesus, it is changing assumptions of what Christianity is.”- Hugh Halter *********************************** Everything starts with an idea, and ideas can be POWERFUL. When people are unified around an idea, and live it...
by jenniminer | Sep 8, 2019 | Daily Life Reflections, General
This tiny little picture in no way reflects the enormity of what this man does on a daily basis. The unbelievable amount of hours.The sleepless nights (literally).The many-hours-long phone calls for references with agencies and future student employers.The...
by jenniminer | Aug 26, 2019 | Fun, General
Everyday, my task is to prepare a safe and clean area for townspeople to live 🛋. However, this is a dangerous 🙈 and adventuresome task, as there is a beast 🐉 that lies in wait, attempting to thwart my work 🙀. It is a difficult and demanding task 💪🏽, but overcoming the...
by jenniminer | Aug 12, 2019 | Daily Life Reflections, General, Health, Multiple Sclerosis
It’s not always sunshine and rainbows. 🌤🌈 In fact, today is a really rough day for me. I went to bed last night, full of fatigue. Do you know the kind when your legs don’t want to walk, and you can barely keep yourself upright without holding on to things around...
by jenniminer | Aug 8, 2019 | Book Readings & Reflections, Daily Life Reflections, General, Inspiration
DIFFERENCE- a way in which people are not the same DESTINY- your higher purpose, your calling Don’t exchange what makes you different for what makes you common. If you have no discipline, you will have no destiny. However, if you know discipline you will know destiny,...