by jenniminer | Jan 25, 2020 | Daily Life Reflections, Day In The Life of a Health Coach, General, Health, Inspiration, Leadership, Team BElieve
Seven benefits of being part of a team……⠀(from the #rockettes)⠀⠀1. They help you see things from a different perspective.⠀2. They always have your back.⠀3. They help you hone your skills.⠀4. You have an army of cheerleaders rooting for you.⠀5. They offer...
by jenniminer | Jan 24, 2020 | Book Readings & Reflections, Daily Life Reflections, General, Inspiration
When I was in graduate school (the first time, in psychology), I remember words of wisdom that were handed down to me by another grad student who was further along in their studies.⠀⠀She said, “Do you know what the most important thing is for your first-year project?...
by jenniminer | Jan 23, 2020 | Daily Life Reflections, Day In The Life of a Health Coach, Fitness, Fun, General, Health, Inspiration
I know it’s a crazy notion, but did you know that you can have FUN while working out? – Fitness is not a punishment.- Fitness is not a chore.- Fitness is not boring.- Fitness is not something to dread. It’s time to stop telling yourself such a negative story...
by jenniminer | Jan 22, 2020 | Book Readings & Reflections, Daily Life Reflections, General, Inspiration, Leadership
“A fall is never final unless you stay on the ground.”⠀- Marie Forleo⠀⠀Too often we think that “failure” means the end of something. Not true! It is just a step along they way.⠀⠀When we were young, we failed all the time. What did we do? We picked ourself up, dusted...
by jenniminer | Jan 20, 2020 | Book Readings & Reflections, Daily Life Reflections, Day In The Life of a Health Coach, General, Inspiration, Leadership
Imagine a boat ride at a fair……⠀⠀“There are the spinners and the sailors. The sailors are the kids who hop into the boat and head for open water—they’re the explorers. They have a dream and they set out for it. Yeah, they’re dreamers and doers. They know...
by jenniminer | Jan 19, 2020 | Day In The Life of a Health Coach, Fitness, General, Health, In The Spotlight, Inspiration
Just over here, pretty damn excited!!! I had someone deliver some amazing news to me this week!⠀⠀Let me back up……⠀⠀Pushups on toes can be really hard for some women. You can be strong in other ways, but really struggle to get off your knees for those darn...