by jenniminer | Aug 3, 2017 | Brain Tumor Updates, Daily Life Reflections, General, Inspiration, Mental Health
I used to think my hair grew soooooo sssllllooooowwwwwwwllllyyyy. But it turns out it grows a lot faster than I thought it did. My hair has been a constant insecurity for me over the past year. In one week, it will have been one year since I had brain surgery. This is...
by jenniminer | Jul 29, 2017 | Brain Tumor Updates, General, Health, Inspiration, Multiple Sclerosis
Every turn I take, something seems to want to get the best of me. But I won’t let it….. This past year has been one challenge after the next. Yet, I continue to believe strongly that I will rise above all the obstacles I have faced (and continue to face),...
by jenniminer | Jul 15, 2017 | Daily Life Reflections, Faith, Fitness, General, Health, Inspiration, Mental Health
My focus word for 2017 is GROWTH! To be better, I truly believe I need to grow. I have 5 daily goals that I try to reach every day, as I know that success and happiness comes from daily actions, and every one of my daily goals focus on the concept of growth. 💫 Growth...
by jenniminer | Jun 15, 2017 | Brain Tumor Updates, Daily Life Reflections, Day In The Life of a Health Coach, Fitness, Fun, General, Health, Inspiration, Mental Health
ASK YOURSELF THIS: What would happen to your family if you or your spouse were to get sick or injured? Would you be able to continue working? Would you be able to support your family? How many of you have ever even thought about that? Does your job (or your...
by jenniminer | Mar 17, 2017 | Fitness, Fun, Health, Kids
FUN FITNESS FRIDAY DISCLAIMER: This isn’t your typical fitness post. This is about to get real…………..really honest and really personal. We are definitely aimed at the LADIES today, specifically MOMS. Mamas, do you ever hesitate to do any of the following activities?...
by jenniminer | Mar 3, 2017 | Daily Life Reflections, Faith, General, Health, Inspiration, Relaxation
Hey Lady! I know you 😉 You love to get involved as much as you can. You feel the desire to commit to everything you can, because you don’t want to miss out on an opportunity help, and feel like you have some skills to offer the world. ‘No’ is a word you have a hard...