by jenniminer | Oct 2, 2016 | Brain Tumor Updates, Daily Life Reflections, General, Health, Inspiration
It’s time just to be REAL and HONEST….things suck right now. Everyone keeps thinking I am doing so well with my recovery, and I definitely appreciate the encouraging words. I know things could be much worse than they are, and I am making progress. But, the...
by jenniminer | Sep 29, 2016 | Book Readings & Reflections, Brain Tumor Updates, General, Health, Inspiration
Things have been a little rough in the past month, but I am taking it one day at a time, and wanted to share three lessons I have learned (or am still learning) since having brain surgery a month ago....
by jenniminer | Sep 26, 2016 | Health
I had the fortunate experience of being able to connect with my family this week, and have the privilege of being able to to it again tomorrow night. I have a total of 5 siblings, and some of us see each other often, but not all of us have schedules (or live near...
by jenniminer | Sep 23, 2016 | Brain Tumor Updates, General, Health, Inspiration
Things have been a little rough in the past month, but I am taking it one day at a time, and wanted to share three lessons I have learned (or am still learning) since having brain surgery a month ago....
by jenniminer | Sep 12, 2016 | Brain Tumor Updates, Challenge!, Daily Life Reflections, General, Health, Inspiration
For those of you who don’t know, I had a brain surgery almost four weeks ago to remove a tumor. Many people would focus on the negative aspects of this event, and just as many are surprised at my positivity regarding the situation. The reality is, I don’t...
by jenniminer | Sep 9, 2016 | Health, Kids
Parent: “How was school, honey?” Kid: “Okay.” Parent: “Did you have a good day?” Kid: “Yep.” Parent: …… (not quite sure what else to ask) Sound familiar???? For many of us in the Pacific Northwest, this week...