by jenniminer | Aug 16, 2016 | Brain Tumor Updates, General, Health
From Cory (husband): First off, thank you all for your support. We have some pretty cool friends. And frankly, this is what life’s all about. The political climate the way it is, and all the bad happening, to see all of you showing love and all the messages...
by jenniminer | Aug 16, 2016 | Brain Tumor Updates, General, Health
From Cory (Husband): The surgery is done! Dr. Kokkino said it went very well. The mass released itself from the everything and he didn’t have trouble with the blood vessels. She will still remain in the operating room for another couple hours with him until he...
by jenniminer | Aug 16, 2016 | Health
From Cory (husband): For the geeks in here… Jenni’s details: She has a 4.3 x 2.9 x 3.3 cm dural based mass overlaying the left frontal lobe, superior to the operculum. It is (likely-95%) a benign neoplasm. The Meningioma has grown between her meninges and...
by jenniminer | Aug 16, 2016 | Brain Tumor Updates, General, Health
From Cory (husband): Just an update about Jenni, for those of you following… She’s on her way in. She has a good anesthetist and her Neurosurgeon is great. She’s in good spirits. The Doc is planning about 6 hours, but will know more after he gets in....
by jenniminer | Aug 11, 2016 | Brain Tumor Updates, General, Health
I just wanted to give an update about my upcoming surgery because many people have been asking questions. I hope to answer anything you might be wondering. I figured a video would be easier than reading it!...
by jenniminer | Jul 1, 2016 | Brain Tumor Updates, General, Health, Inspiration
……….I am a fighter. Never give up. Never give in………. Even when things get flipped upside down…. Through a very strange turn of events, I recently found out that I have a brain tumor. Thankfully, cancer is not likely. However,...