by jenniminer | Nov 14, 2019 | Daily Life Reflections, General, Inspiration, Kids
A note to my beautifully strong daughter….⠀⠀1. Ever since you came in my life, things have never been the same. I am a better person because of you.⠀2. Do not beat yourself up when you make mistakes, learn from them.⠀3. Always strive to make the right...
by jenniminer | Nov 3, 2019 | Day In The Life of a Health Coach, General, Inspiration, Team BElieve
You know what?Sometime life is HARD! I mean….knocked down, dragged out difficult. I’ve been there. I’ve had health problems.I’ve had relationships break down.I’ve had depression.I’ve had people I love not want to live anymore.I’ve had jobs lost.I’ve had friends...
by jenniminer | Oct 29, 2019 | Daily Life Reflections, Day In The Life of a Health Coach, General, Inspiration
I don’t want to be a LEADER. Yep, you read that right.I have no desire to lead. Instead, I strive to SERVE. My goal is to put OTHERS first, not myself. I want to help others become the best versions of themselves; to help people develop and perform as highly as...
by jenniminer | Oct 24, 2019 | Book Readings & Reflections, Daily Life Reflections, General, Inspiration
Self-limiting beliefs – A really silly example to prove a powerful...
by jenniminer | Aug 16, 2019 | Brain Tumor Updates, Daily Life Reflections, Health, Inspiration, Mental Health, Multiple Sclerosis
Three years ago today, I had BRAIN SURGERY. That still feels surreal to say – but it happened nonetheless. For those of you who have never had major surgery, you know that it is not just about that surgery day. The recovery can be a very long road, full of many...
by jenniminer | Aug 8, 2019 | Book Readings & Reflections, Daily Life Reflections, General, Inspiration
DIFFERENCE- a way in which people are not the same DESTINY- your higher purpose, your calling Don’t exchange what makes you different for what makes you common. If you have no discipline, you will have no destiny. However, if you know discipline you will know destiny,...